- 形态变化包括两个方面:形态格(morphological case)和动词的性数一致词缀(verbal agreement inflection)。 Morphological change concerns two respects, morphological case on nouns and agreement inflection on verbs.
- 他熟知外交礼节。 He understands about diplomatic etiquette.
- Fillmore提出的格语法理论认为:一个句子由动词或具有动词性质的形容词或名词(verbal forces)以及动词的格构成,且动词与其格的关系是相互依附、相互制约的。 Fillmore, who holds that a sentence is composed of verbs or verbal forces and their cases which condition each other.
- 朱丽娅大学毕业后就到外交部门工作了。 Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from the university.
- 该两国终止外交关系。 The two countries terminated diplomatic relations.
- 外交上的隔绝 a diplomatic quarantine
- 干涉主义的外交政策 interventionist foreign policy
- 敌人因我们不断的外交胜利而非常恼火。 The enemy is sorely chagrined at our continual diplomatic victories.
- 外交专家 an expert on foreign affairs
- 这篇文章集中火力抨击政府的外交政策。 The fire of this article is concentrated on the government policy on foreign affairs.
- 派遣(外交)使节 to accredit an envoy
- 通过外交途径 through diplomatic channels
- 外交阴谋 a diplomatic intrigue
- 我们需要更有弹性的外交政策。 We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
- 外交关系的断绝 the severance of diplomatic relations
- 她决心从事外交工作。 She was determined to diplomatize
- 威尔逊已在提倡一种超越美国自我利益,谋求人类善意的外交。 Wilson had championed a diplomacy that sought the good of mankind above the selfish interests of the United States.
- 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。 He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.
- 他努力变革美国的外交政策。 He had striven for a revolution in American foreign policy.
- 外交护航 Three Germans traveling in a diplomatic convoy